TIME Magazine: Plastic Surgery – Changing Faces~アメリカのTIMEの記事から「顔を変える」1


At 18, Saeko Kimura was a shy, sleepy-eyed university student. Until she discovered a secret weapon: if she applied a strip of glue to her eyelids, her eyes became wider, rounder, prettier. “Men noticed me,” she says. “I became outgoing. Suddenly, I had a life.” Her new looks also landed her part-time work as a hostess in an upmarket bar, where she gets top dollar on a pay scale determined by beauty.
But Kimura lived in fear of discovery, rushing off to the bathroom several times a day to reapply the glue and never daring to visit the beach. And so, at 21, she finds herself in a doctor’s office in a Tokyo high-rise, lying on an operating table with her fists nervously clenched. Plastic surgeon Katsuya Takasu breezes in wielding a cartoonishly enormous needle. “This will hurt a little,” he says cheerfully. Once the anesthetic is administered, Takasu brandishes another, hooked needle and threads it through Kimura’s upper eyelids, creating a permanent crease. He then injects a filler fluid called hyaluronic acid into her nose and chin and pinches them into shape. Takasu inspects his handiwork. “The swelling will go down in a few days,” he says. “But even if you went out tonight in Roppongi, you’d be a hit.” A nurse hands Kimura a mirror. Though red and puffy, she now has the face she’s always dreamed of: big, round eyes, a tall nose, a defined chin. The entire procedure took less than 10 minutes. But Kimura collapses with an ice pack on her face and moans, “Oh, the pain.”